Industrial Property Loan

Industrial property loan can be used for purchase of factory land and shed. An ideal product where savings of rentals can be used to pay EMIs for purchasing the property.

The Industrial Loan is a loan to a business rather than a loan to an individual consumer. These short-term loans may have an interest rate based on the prime rate and are secured by collateral owned by the business requesting the loan.

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, when agricultural societies became more industrialized and urban. The transcontinental railroad, the cotton gin, electricity and other inventions permanently changed society.

The industrial and economic developments of the Industrial Revolution brought significant social changes. Industrialization resulted in an increase in population and the phenomenon of urbanization, as a growing number of people moved to urban centres in search of employment.

Effects of the Industrial Revolution

Services for Industrial Property Loan

We have deals for providing a range of loans for purchase of Industry and construction of Industrial property in approved areas.

Are you looking for the best Loan to Industrial Property?  If you have identified the Industrial                     Property for purchase,we have introduced a few new products to cater to the needs of industrialist and business owners.

We have promised you for best service providing for Industrial purchase loans. We will have suggested you for transferring your current outstanding loan availed from another Bank / Financial Institution.

Benefits of Working Capital at Industrial Property

Working capital loansare short-term loans to help a business with cash-flow needs. Two times in the life of a business when it might need extra cash are at startup and during expansion. At these times, the outflow of cash is greater than cash coming in, until new customers and payments can be generated. 

To expand and grow, small businesses need new equipment, machinery andset up a production line, make repairs or renovations to existing facilities, purchase an inventory of products. Working capital helps you for expand the business and maintain your financing needs.

Features & Benefits of Loan Against Property

Documents Required For Industrial Property Loan

CategorySelf Employed
Proof Of Identity (Any One)
  • PAN Card/ Voter ID Card / Aadhar Card / Valid Passport.
Proof Of Residence (Any One)
  • Aadhar Card / Utility Bills/ Voter ID Card/ Valid Passport/ Driving License.
Proof Of Income
  • Income Tax Returns coupled with the computation of income of both the applicant and the business entity (attested by a certified CA) for the last 3 assessment years.
  • Balance Sheet and P & L account statements with Annexures/Schedules of both the business entity and the applicant (attest by a certified CA) the last 3 years.
  • Savings account statements of the applicant and the current account statements of the business entity for the last 1 year.
Property Related Documents
  • Title Deeds of the Property
  • Estimate for construction assessed by a Civil Engineer/ an Architect
  • Encumbrance Certificate
  • Photocopy of the plan sanctioned by Local Authorities
Other Documents
  • Business Profile
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company
  • Partnership deeds if the business entity is established as a partnership firm
  • List of Shareholders and Directors with their respective shareholdings if the business entity is established as a company (certified by a CA)
  • Bank account statements of both the individual and the business entity indicating details of ongoing loans if any.
  • Processing fee cheque favouring the bank/financial institution
  • Duly filled application form affixed with passport size photographs of all the applicants/co-applicants and signed across.
  • Existing facility sanction letter/ Repayment Track Record (RTR) of existing loan, if any
* Terms & Conditions Apply.